Membership Area Monk Music Productions for live Harp Praysing Frédéric Antonious.

The Complete Human Being (interview)

Interview with Abbahjí beginning of 2016 in three parts.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

The Jewel & The Gift

The Gift by Abbahjí

The Jewel – A short commentary

Transcendental Living

A series of 7 short movies from an interview with Abbahji on Transcendental Living.
These movies are also available as DVD (for sale).

1. The Nature of Living

2. Realize your Transcendental Nature

3. Look at the Transcendence of Life

4. Task of Living

5. “Abbah” The unknowable Oneness

6. The Spiritual Master in Your Life

7. Freedom

Speech 19-3-2014

The Common Ground